Monday, May 15, 2017

Planning For A Shoplifting Haul

Here are some tips on how to plan out a successful shoplifting haul. I will include some examples of personal experiences so you know some of the possibilities of what could happen and what you can do to be successful.

1. Gaining confidence.
It takes a lot of confidence just to start planning a shoplifting haul. So before you even come up with a plan, you need to make sure you have completely thought out what you are about to do. Here is a list of some of the questions you need to ask yourself before you begin planning:
- What are the positives that could come from shoplifting? Negatives? (P-adrenaline rush, free stuff, get whatever you want) (N-arrest, fines, criminal record)
- Why are you considering shoplifting? (Financial reasons, just for fun)
- What exactly do you want/need so bad that you would shoplift in order to have it? (Food, makeup, clothing, drugs)
-Are the items you want worth the potential consequences?
- Are you willing to accept whatever outcome you face? (Getting away with it or getting caught)
I actually made a pro/con list for shoplifting before I did my first haul. I listed all of the potential outcomes, a few being getting away with it, getting caught and let go, and getting caught and charged.

2. Developing your plan.
At this step, you will begin planning for your haul. Remember that all planning MUST be done in your head, not on paper or on your phone or whatever. There can't be any evidence; with that being said, it would be better to develop your plan on paper and destroy it afterwards than to try to permanently delete it from your phone or computer. But if you live at home with your parents or whatever, don't write down your plan at all (unless they don't give a shit what you do or you are just really good at hiding stuff) because I can guarantee that the one time you leave the paper out will be the one time someone snoops through your room and finds it. Here is what you need to have figured out in your plan:
- Items you plan to steal and where they are located in the store
- Other people involved (whether they will be shoplifting or not) ie. parents/whoever is taking you to the store, fellow shoplifters, etc
- Supplies you will need to bring on the haul (scissors for removing packaging, bag/purse, paper clip/bobby pin for removing security devices, money, etc)
My first experience shoplifting was because I wanted a specific tube of mascara. It wasn't a particularly high-end brand, but it was still 5 times more than what I usually spent on makeup. I kept an eye on the mascara for almost 2 months before I finally decided to commit and steal it. I made sure I completely thought through how I would conceal the item without being noticed, and I got away with stealing not only the tube of mascara, but also a couple eyeliners, a few little bottles of fancy lotion, and a bottle of diet pills.

3. Preparing for the haul.
Once you have developed a plan and are sure you want to follow through, you will need to gather any supplies you'll need and coordinate an outfit that will benefit you with your concealing without giving away the fact that you are shoplifting. Compile all of your supplies and put them in your purse or have them together by your outfit so you can put everything in your pockets before you leave. Your outfit should be unnoticeable, and have plenty of hiding places for merchandise. Inner pockets are a must-have.
Supplies needed:
-Scissors/nail clippers (for opening packaging)
- Purse/bag (for holding items and supplies)
- Water/drink bottle that isn't see through (to conceal smaller items)
-Your phone
-Pretend shopping list

4. Executing the haul.
When you are fully prepared and have all of your supplies packed and ready, you can now go on the haul. Whether this is your first haul or your hundredth haul, it's always necessary to be completely prepared both mentally and physically. Don't half-ass this shit, that's how you can screw yourself over in a heartbeat. At this point, you will go to the store and shoplift the items you want. Tips for doing so can be found in my previous posts.

5. Reviewing you haul.
After shoplifting, going over your haul is a good habit to get into. Even if you didn't get caught, it is still good to look back and find what you can improve and what you did well. If there was a moment where you almost got caught, look at what you did preceding that time. Did you forget to look around? Were you careless in your concealment? Did someone start to get suspicious? You should mentally review your entire haul, from the time you entered the store to the time you left. If this is your first haul, doing the mental review should help distract you from your paranoia. After I did my first haul, I sat in my bedroom peeking out the window for days because I was convinced that the cops would pull in any minute, and I jumped at every knock at the door, and every time my parents answered the phone, I was sure that it was the cops on the other end of the line telling them that they were coming to arrest me for shoplifting. Realistically, none of these things would have happened; the police will rarely come to your house if you have already left the store property with the items, especially since I had stolen so little. But in a way, the paranoid feeling will help you to watch yourself and stay cautious when you go on future hauls. If you have been shoplifting for a while, this feeling can wear off, but at that point you will probably be a good enough shoplifter that you won't need the worry to make you cautious with your shoplifting. Just follow your gut feeling; if something seems wrong, then something is wrong. If everything seems ok, still be aware of what could go wrong.



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