Friday, January 27, 2017

Hiding Evidence: Shoplifting

There are many things that could get you caught when you are shoplifting (see my other post "Things That Get You Caught: Shoplifting"). One major thing is when there is incriminating evidence. Evidence can come in many forms, from photos or videos, empty packaging, witnesses, or even internet history. Here is how to cover your tracks.

1. Photos and videos:
While shoplifting, don't show you face to the camera as much as you can help it. Don't make it obvious that you are hiding your identity, or else you will be seen as suspicious. Just don't stare directly into the cameras. Also, don't be an idiot with social media. If you go on F@ceb00k and post pictures going "omg look at my haul shoplifting so much fun" then you can still get arrested even if you weren't caught in the store. People have been arrested for showing off things they have stolen on the internet because they pretty much confessed to the crime. If you are shoplifting with other people, make sure they don't take pictures of you, even if they don't show you actively shoplifting. Photos taken on any phone show a time and date. If you get caught you won't be able to say that you hadn't been in that part of the store when the things went missing, or you didn't come in with them and that they shoplifted on their own without your knowledge.

2. Empty packaging:
If you leave a trail of empty packaging, then LP's know exactly what you're up to, even if they didn't see you take the items. To avoid this, hold on to the packaging. Don't just throw it down in a shelf or something. Walk around, and rip up the package. To make sure no one can piece together the package, pretend you are getting a piece of gum and chew up the pieces of cardboard/paper. Spit it out in a trash can. For the things that can't be destroyed by chewing (plastic/rubber/whatever), then rip them up as much as you can and spread them out among all of the trash cans in the store. Unless the LP is really really determined to bring you in, then they aren't going to follow you through the entire store picking up your saliva-coated packaging.

3. Witnesses:
Do! Not! Shoplift! If! Someone! Is! Near! You!
Seriously, people think they're sneaky enough to get away with it. People will either turn you in or confront you themselves. Anyone could be an LP. One time a 12 year old could stop you, the next time grandpa could call you out. You think that the toddler won't know enough to say anything? WRONG! They'll go up and tell their mommies that you have a treat in your pocket, and their parents will turn you in. Little kids have big mouths, and they will talk to just about anyone. You might turn around and see a 5 year old going "whatcha doin?" and people will watch anyone who is talking to a stranger's little kid.

4. Internet History (Phone or Computer):
Delete your history! Don't talk about shoplifting on your social media/email/texts. If you get caught and you try to feign innocence, then the cops can legally search your phone. If your search history is full of "how to shoplift" "shoplifting tips" and things like that, then you will have a WHOLE other set of charges against you, including burglary, criminal conspiracy, and multiple others. Don't take pictures of things that you stole, don't take videos or pictures of you or your partners stealing; just don't set yourself up for failure.

Be careful, or expect to face the consequences!

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