Friday, January 27, 2017

Things that get you caught: Shoplfting

There are a lot of reasons that you could get caught when you are shoplifting. Someone could have turned you in, an employee could have seen you, or it might just be your unlucky day. Maybe there are more LP's, there might be extra security around because it's near the holidays, maybe the store has caught on to your habits and are trying to make this time the last time. Who knows, but there are a lot of things that LP's specifically look for in a potential shoplifter.

1. You look like a thief.
Most people get caught because they honestly just look like a shady character. LP's make money off of every person they catch, and if you look like an easy potential catch, then they are going to be up your ass. And you know who you are; 20 something facial piercings, tattoos all over, brightly colored hair, "punk" or "thug" clothing, whatever. LP's are trained to look for people who look like thieves, and these characteristics fit the profile of a "shoplifter." If you look like a badass piece of shit, you will be watched and treated accordingly. So if you look suspicious, just don't do it.

2. You have shifty eyes.
I talked about this in my shoplifting post (Shoplifting Tips and Tricks). A lot of LP's will be ready to give up on you, and once they see you doing the shifty eyes, they will watch you until you leave, no exceptions. Shifty eyes are when you look for cameras on the ceiling without moving your head. This gets people, who would have gotten away with it otherwise, caught everyday.

3. You use two hands to "look at a product."
Normal people take the product off of the shelf and look at it in the open with one hand. If you are fumbling around on the shelf with two hands but not removing anything, then they know you are opening a package. Using two hands is a DEAD GIVEAWAY that you are up to something and even if the LP doesn't see you conceal the item, they can still get you for opening a package, as this is considered vandalism.

4. You leave a trail of evidence.
You think the item may have a security device on it. You decide that, to be on the safe side, you will remove the package and hide it somewhere. This makes the LP's job a lot easier. Even if they never say you take the item, if they saw you throw a package on a shelf, under something, etc, then they will investigate where you were. Once they find the empty package, they know that you removed it (which can get you in enough trouble with being charged with vandalism), they know exactly what it is, and that you have the intention of stealing it. Now, all the LP has to do is follow you to the door and confront you with the empty package and ask you to either return it or come to the back. If you don't produce the item, you will be charged with vandalism; if you do hand it over or if they search you and find it, you will be charged with theft; if they find out that you had no money/other way to pay for the item, you will be charged with burglary.

5. You try to conceal items while in the fitting room.
If you aren't careful of how you have things hidden among the clothing, then the person that counts the hangers may decide to call an LP over to check on you. For example, let's say you have a couple DVD's hidden among the clothing that you are "trying on". The employee at the desk hears packages opening, and they get suspicious. They keep an eye on the room you are in while they quietly call an LP over to check that you aren't stealing. It is frowned upon, but not illegal for the LP to quietly go over with a mirror on their shoe and quickly check to make sure you are actually trying clothes and not just concealing items.

6. You fall victim to the "scare test."
If an LP suspects you of shoplifting, then they will send a few people through the aisle you are in. Normal people wouldn't pay much attention to the other customers, but a shoplifter will likely turn their head and check out every person, looking them up and down to see if they look like an undercover LP. When the LP sees this, they will follow you around. They may even do the test again to confirm their suspicions.

7. You are extremely friendly and outgoing.
You're such a nice person! You come in and talk to all of the employees! You just make everyone's day! You could never be a thief! WRONG! Regular workers may be fooled by your friendly demeanor, but LP's are not fooled one bit. Normal employees may avoid stopping you if they see something suspicious because you're just such a nice person, but LP's will stop you. They get paid enough to stop you that it doesn't matter if you're next in line to be the Pope, you will get stopped. There are genuinely nice people, but someone who is sucking up to anyone with a name tag is one of the most suspicious types of people there is.

8. You over-act.
You walk around wiggling or tapping your item. This says to LP's "Hey! I am not a shoplifter! I will not try to steal this item! See, I'm playing with it! That totally means I'm gonna buy it!" Then you steal it. People honestly think that this works.

9. You under-act.
You find the item and immediately conceal it. Or, you find the item, hide it behind something in your hand/cart, then you quickly walk to the most deserted part of the store. The LP knows that they need to either follow you or have all of the cameras watching you to witness the concealment.

And finally 10, and this is a big one: You carry a flat, empty looking purse or backpack.
This makes it so obvious that you are shoplifting. Not only does it grab the attention of an LP, but it makes their job a lot easier. Your bag was flat when you came in, and magically became full after you "put back" everything you were going to buy. Even if the LP didn't see you put anything in the bag, they can confidently make a stop on you, even if no alarms go off and nothing was reported of your actions. Entering a store with an empty bag can raise the charge from theft to burglary if you are caught.

Watch your back, and be suspicious of everyone.


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